Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mmmm tasty

Well, I have to say I am mighty impressed with the services available on the website, the fact that you will have access to your favourites from any computer in the world is a tremendous advantage, much like the the online email systems that I love to rant on to my friends.

This if fact has wonderful applications for libraries, as from my own searches books that I feel should all be grouped under one heading are in fact held under a multitude of headings, often so obscure you have Buckley's of finding them. One project I have is locating all the Adult Reader's advisory materials in the library, and boy are they all over the shop! How to make this easier to find? folksonomies I say!

Users would be able to tag items in the collection as a alternate method of subject searching, and rather have a narrow description for a certain title, it can have multiple tags in subject areas it covers. Brilliant! The two website examples are simply applying this to online content, why not within the collection too?

The use of folksonomy based cataloging eliminates the need to continually search for information by subject, so they can find relevant information much faster for their information query.

Of my standard reservations apply here, that anyone can index items does not mean that they are in fact doing so correctly, but as always you can simply create your own, such as a blog of the most important opinions eh?

I have to say that I sure will be using this tool as it is invaluable, as I work in many different departments and save my bookmarks to each pc, but now I know there is an easier way I will be sure to use it. Now to think of what to put on there...