Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tasty titbits revisitied

Well delicious, it certainly has been awhile since we last met. you seem to have shed some of your unnecessary mid letter punctuation, slimming down in the process into one fine streamlined website. I know I promised to drop by and tell you all the places I've been and like to go, but I've been between computers you see. Forgive me?

I see you are getting serious with that Yahoo, even hitting me up for ID before entry. But I knew you before then, won't you let me back in? After much convincing and a little site searching, I was able to get through to you without having to go through your 'mate' Yahoo.

And when I got through, what did I see? a single post from April 08 was there, waiting for me.

OK, so I haven't lived up to my expectation that I would use delicious since the last course, despite my feeling at the time it would indeed be valuable at work considering the amount of computer hopping I do (I am on about 5 PCs during any given week).

So anyway I found my old account, added a blog or two and signed up to the State Library network. I had a go at the web address searching but it didn't seem to want to play for me today. So instead I used the search and tag options in delicious to find the tweeted item in the course. having no idea what the tags were proved a bit hard to compete with the sheer amount of game tags, but searching its exact title found it, even though it wasn't ranked #1. I really like the tag rolls option to add to a blog, despite the fact that mine is a little lacking at the moment.

So in summation, what would make me a dedicated lover outside of bookmarking places to go? well searching if done on a random keyword basis really does need narrowing, which is fine. Tag searching requires thorough tagging by users, so all in all beyond tagging I would find it would use up a lot of my time to find items I may have better luck searching the web for myself, which is how I would find my own bookmarks most likely.

as For how I would use it I think it would be a great way to keep a list of all the interesting articles I find on blogs though my RSS feeds so I won't lose track of where and when I read something, as well as all the important pages I need. Whilst it has further uses, That is what I want out of it.


pls@slnsw said...

Sounds like you have some great plans for delicious.
