Thursday, April 17, 2008

And you thought a library was bad!

well of course not, otherwise you would not be reading this, or making such brash comments. So after many trials and tribulations I got Technorati to finally recognise my claim to this wonderful little blog as my own intellectual property, about time I say!

As for searching for bookmobiles as per our exercise, I found it really easy to locate posts, and even easier to find bookmobile blogs. and due to the tagging system, as bookmobile is only one searchable term, the advanced search yielded much of the same, unless you restricted it to bookmoblie tagged posts in bookmobile blogs, reducing it from 551 to 519 to 26 hehe. So perhaps this tagging system does work after all...

LibraryThing is quite interesting and would be great for anyone to use as a resource to find books of interest, especially with reviews and suggestions to read materials. I like how you can include the specific version you read, as some works have superior translations and linear notes to enhance your reading pleasure. A long week indeed, linking done, blogging out.