Monday, March 10, 2008

Freaking thing

Neil's acoustic guitars, originally uploaded by *hoodrat*.

OK so after many trials and tribulations, Ive finally go myself some serious linkage of a photo, complete with original credentials! The only real issue that I came across was the actual description of how to enable my two rival factions to peacefully interact and share their wealth of knowledge to better society, or to put it more succinctly to give blogger access to flicker. Yes it did say to go to Google to giver permission, but I felt the directions were rather murky (the page you end up on, sheesh!). As for searching Flickr I figured that most of the pictures would be copy protected (alas, twas so) so as per usual advanced search is my accomplice in completing this week's mission. So here is a lovely photo of one om my music heroes Neil Young's guitar collection, I'm sure when I make my millions I will have at least 3.

Also here is a link to one of my favourite bands frontmen gettin all frizzy n fired up in my hometown! Go the Drones! Woot!

More to come as per scheduled!



pls@slnsw said...

Dear Keith

Glad that Learning 2.0 is keeping you busy and entertained! Let me say I'm surprised that you only aspire to 3 guitars in your wealthy future!


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked my photo! What's the point in Web 2.0 if we don't let others use our photos eh?

Good luck with your future guitar purchases!